• A major project goes astray
  • Some established structures need revamping
  • The market environment changes and forces the core business to adapt
  • Companies or part of companies have to be purchased or sold
  • Shareholder structures need to evolve
  • Penetration of new markets is more difficult than expected
  • Succession needs to be prepared

Opportunities can to be seized and threats need to be avoided. Those who are in charge carry huge responsibilities. Some elements of the solution are tangible but a plan needs to be established and brought into action.

In these situations, we are the right contact.
Discrete. Experienced. Independent.
We help building success that lasts.



  • Regular review meetings along the process
  • One off analysis of the decision making situation with a recommended way forward
  • Support in tricky negotiations
  • Review of business models and their value drivers
  • Handling of projects, particularly in the area of M&A
  • Membership or leadership in governance bodies

We do not come with pre-packaged solutions but with a broad array of experience. We can gauge what works – and what does not.
A significant international network of specialists is available if specific competences are required.
It is our ambition to reduce complexity and to come up with solutions that can be handled effectively.



  • New market entries and corresponding investment decisions
  • Purchase and disposal of companies
  • Initiatives to enhance customer orientation
  • Change management
  • Industrial sustainability
  • Strategy work, definition of successful business models



  • Building materials (light and heavy)
  • Energy
  • Basic Materials
  • Industrial Products
  • Consumer Products
  • Consumer Durables

Our geographic coverage is wide. We have worked on projects in more than 30 countries.
In Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. See below for specific information:



Founder and manager of 5G is Ulrich Glaunach

For more than 8 years, Ulrich Glaunach has served on the management board of the global Lafarge Group in Paris. Lafarge is a World Market leader for Cement with Sales exceeding 15 billion €, 1630 industrial sites in 64 countries, and 64000 employees. Previously, Glaunach was president of Lafarge Perlmooser in Vienna and managing director for Moulinex in France and in Central Europe.

Ulrich Glaunach holds a doctorate in economic sciences from the University of Vienna and an MBA from INSEAD, Fontainebleau.

Topics of special expertise are Customer Orientation (work on “common convictions” for the Lafarge Group),Change Management (performance culture and cost reduction) as well as Industrial Sustainability (environment, emissions, occupational health and safety).

Glaunach speaks German, English and French. He is married and has three adult children. Following his return to Austria, Ulrich Glaunach is now active for “5G Business Models”; on several occasions, he is a board member in companies and foundations. He has founded “Kärnten macht Sinn” to promote residence in his native Carinthia and is engaged in charitable work with the Order of Malta.


Advice from 5G is nourished from experience with the following companies and brands:

And now?

Please contact:
Ulrich Glaunach: +43 1 4798449
Manuela Huber, assistant, +43 664 88933560
Or write to: 5G business models, Tibelweg 10, 9562 Himmelberg, Austria
Or ask for references:

5G Geschäftsmodelle GmbH
Geschäftsführer Dr. Ulrich Glaunach
+43 1 4798449

Office Carinthia: Tiebelweg 10, 9562 Himmelberg

Office Vienna: Westbahnstrasse 3/18, 1070 Wien

Bank account details:
IBAN AT79 20706 04500066230;

HG Klagenfurt FN 401655w
UID Nummer: ATU 68153268

Web design and programming:
Mag. Johannes Bulgarini Verlag und Werbeagentur

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Privacy Policy and Consent

Table of Contents
Objective and responsible body
Basic information on data processing
Processing of personal data
Collection of access data
Integration of services and content of third parties
User rights and deletion
Changes to the privacy policy

Objective and responsible body

This Privacy Policy clarifies the nature, scope and purpose of the processing (including collection, processing, use and consent) of personal information contained in our online offering and the related websites, features and content (collectively referred to as “online offer” or “online offer”) “Website”). The privacy policy applies regardless of the domains, systems, platforms, and devices (such as desktop or mobile) on which the online offering is being run.

Provider of the online offer and the responsible data protection agency is 5G – Geschäftsmodelle GmbH, Ulrich Glaunach, Westbahnstrasse 3/18, 1070 Wien (hereinafter referred to as “provider”, “we” or “us”). For the contact possibilities we refer to our imprint

The term “user” includes all customers and visitors of our online offer. The terms used, such as “Users” are to be understood gender-neutral.

Basic information on data processing

We only process personal data of users in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations in accordance with the requirements of data minimization and data avoidance. This means that the data of the users are processed only if a legal permission exists, in particular if the data for the performance of our contractual achievements as well as on-line services is required, or prescribed by law or in the presence of a consent.

We take organizational, contractual and technical security measures in accordance with the state of the art to ensure that the provisions of the data protection laws are complied with and in order to protect the data processed by us against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or against access by unauthorized persons protect.

If, within the framework of this data protection declaration, content, tools or other means are used by other providers (collectively referred to as “third-party providers”) and their registered office is abroad, it can be assumed that data will be transferred to the states of residence of the third-party providers , The transfer of data to third countries takes place either on the basis of a legal permission, the consent of the users or special contract clauses, which ensure a legally required security of the data.

Processing of personal data

In addition to the use expressly stated in this privacy policy, the personal data is processed for the following purposes on the basis of legal permissions or user consent:
– The provision, execution, maintenance, optimization and security of our services, services and user services;
– Ensuring effective customer service and technical support.

We only transfer users’ data to third parties when this is necessary for billing purposes (for example, to a payment service provider) or for other purposes, if necessary, in order to fulfill our contractual obligations towards the users (for example, address information to suppliers).

When contacting us (via contact form or e-mail), the details of the user are stored for the purpose of processing the request as well as in the event that follow-up questions arise.
Personal data will be deleted if they have fulfilled their purpose and deletion does not conflict with any retention requirements.

Collection of access data

We collect data about every access to the server on which this service is located (so-called server log files). The access data includes name of the retrieved web page, file, date and time of retrieval, amount of data transferred, message about successful retrieval, browser type and version, the user’s operating system, referrer URL (the previously visited page), IP address and the requesting provider ,

We use the log data without assignment to the person of the user or other profiling according to the statutory provisions only for statistical evaluations for the purpose of operation, security and optimization of our online offer. However, we reserve the right to retrospectively check the log data if, on the basis of concrete evidence, the legitimate suspicion of unlawful use exists.


Cookies are information transmitted from our web server or third-party web servers to users’ web browsers and stored there for later retrieval. The use of cookies in the context of pseudonymous range measurement informs users in the context of this privacy policy.

The consideration of this online offer is also possible to the exclusion of cookies. If users do not want cookies stored on their computer, they will be asked to disable the option in their browser’s system settings. Saved cookies can be deleted in the system settings of the browser. The exclusion of cookies can lead to functional restrictions of this online offer.

There is a possibility of many companies’ online advertising cookies via the US website or the EU page -choices / to manage.

Use of Matomo web analytics software (PIWIK), Cookies & Reach Measurement

On this website, using the web analysis service software Matomo (, a service of the provider InnoCraft Ltd., 150 Willis St, 6011 Wellington, New Zealand, (“Mataomo”) based on our legitimate interest in the statistical analysis of user behavior for optimization and marketing purposes pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO data collected and stored.

From this data, pseudonymised usage profiles can be created and evaluated for the same purpose. Cookies can be used. Cookies are small text files stored locally in the cache of the site visitor’s Internet browser. The cookies enable, among other things, the recognition of the Internet browser. The data collected by Matomo Technology (including your pseudonymized IP address) will be processed on our servers.

The information generated by the cookie in the pseudonymous user profile is not used to personally identify the visitor to this web site and is not merged with personal data about the bearer of the pseudonym.

The consideration of this online offer is also possible to the exclusion of cookies. If users do not want cookies stored on their computer, they will be asked to disable the option in their browser’s system settings. Saved cookies can be deleted in the system settings of the browser. The exclusion of cookies can lead to functional restrictions of this online offer.

Integration of services and content of third parties

It may happen that contents or services of third-party providers, such as maps or fonts from other websites, are included in our online offer. The inclusion of content from third-party providers always requires that the third-party providers perceive the IP address of the users, since they could not send the content to the users’ browser without the IP address. The IP address is therefore required for the presentation of this content. Furthermore, providers of third-party content can set their own cookies and process users’ data for their own purposes. In the process, user profiles can be created from the processed data. We will use this content as much as possible in a data-saving and data-avoiding manner and will select reliable third-party providers with regard to data security.

The following presentation provides an overview of third-party providers as well as their contents, as well as links to their privacy statements, which further notes on the processing of data and, currently. already mentioned here, contradictory possibilities (so-called opt-out) contain:

– External fonts from Google, Inc., (“Google Fonts”). The integration of Google fonts is done by a server call on Google (usually in the US). Privacy Policy:, opt-out:

– Maps of the “Google Maps” service provided by the third-party Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Privacy Policy:, opt-out:

– Third-party Google Inc.’s YouTube Platforms, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Privacy Policy:, opt-out:

User rights and deletion of data

Users have the right, upon request, to receive information free of charge about the personal data that we have stored about them.
In addition, users have the right to correct inaccurate data, revoke consent, block and delete their personal information, and to file a complaint with the appropriate regulatory authority in the event of unlawful processing.

The data stored with us are deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary for their purpose and the deletion does not conflict with any statutory storage requirements.

Changes to the privacy policy

We reserve the right to change the privacy policy in order to adapt it to changed legal situations, or to changes in the service and data processing. However, this only applies to declarations of data processing. If users’ consent is required or elements of the privacy policy contain provisions of the contractual relationship with the users, the changes will only be made with the consent of the users.
Users are requested to inform themselves regularly about the content of the privacy policy.

For questions we are at your disposal:

Ulrich Glaunach
E-Mail: ulrich (et)
